Our Why · Our Way · Our How

Elexicon Energy, with input and feedback from its employees, rewrote its Mission, Vision and Values and its One Elexicon Operating Principles into what is now referred to as ‘Our Why, Our Way and Our How’. Our Why is why Elexicon exists. Our Way is the way Elexicon goes about delivering on its Why. Our How is how Elexicon behaves to deliver on its Why and its Way.

Our Why

We deliver safe and reliable energy to our communities* and create the possibilities that energize our customers’ future.

Our Way: Strategic Pillars

Customer Centricity Developing an agile operating mindset that prioritizes decisions to build and maintain a positive customer experience. Customers are the cornerstone of any service organization.

Operational Excellence The continuous improvement of the organization’s people, processes, places, safety and financial sustainability. As a newly formed organization, unifying our processes, focusing on our people and their safety (as well as the public’s), and better connecting with our customers and stakeholders is key to the sustained success of the organization.

Economic Development Enabling the organization to be a trusted strategic partner and catalyst for growth by nurturing, developing, and managing relationships with our community shareholders and the stakeholders in the areas we serve.

Strategic Investment
With a solid investment strategy, Elexicon Energy ensures we continue to provide customers with reliable, affordable energy services while building a robust grid to manage current demand while also upgrading infrastructure, as appropriate, to prepare for a changing energy landscape in the years ahead. The focus will be on investments to benefit today, prepare for tomorrow and meet the needs of our shareholders and stakeholders.

Our How: Beliefs & Behaviours

Safe & Well
We promote a culture of safety and wellness.

We hold self and others to a standard of excellence.

We work with the highest integrity, valuing and showcasing appreciation for others.

We are timely in addressing the needs of our communities*.

We work together, innovate and celebrate.

We ensure clarity.

*Communities: Shareholders, Customers and Team Members
Up Next:

Executive Leadership Team

Whether in the office or on the job, Elexicon Energy’s Executive Leadership Team is committed to the pursuit of excellence.

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Image for Executive Leadership Team